
Christos pittas missing at Big Muster Drive Dinner Plain Mount Hotham

The desperate search for Christos is losing hope. The last time anyone saw him was at 2:45 p.m. on Friday, when he was on Big Muster Drive in Dinner Plain, north of Melbourne. Last night, the temperature dropped to -3C and there were gusts of wind up to 70km/h in the area. The weather is expected to get worse today, and snow is on the way.

Kadeem Edwards shooting Jonathan Pena on Macombs Road in Mount Eden

Kadeem Edwards, 21, has been charged with murder and attempted murder in connection with the death of Jonathan Pea on Nov. 13. Pea, 32, was fatally shot in Mount Eden on Macombs Road near Inwood Ave. after a trio of thieves backed the victim and his 46-year-old companion into a storefront and robbed Pea of his 18-karat gold chain.