Christopher Barnes reportedly sexually abused a boy at a martial arts gym in Sydney. A instructor of martial arts is battling charges that at his gym he sexually abused a child. Christopher David Barnes was arrested at his Woodpark home on Tuesday night after complaints were reported to police on Monday by the boy's family.
In April, Jeff Peters pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting two former students. Emily Dickinson, 31, says she now realizes she was duped during her high school years by a master manipulator — her former teacher Jeff Peters, who was recently convicted of sexual assault in Perth, Ont.
A mum admitted sex with a 14-year-old boy "wrecked" her life and says trolls harassed her. Teah Vincent, 32, admitted her Gloucestershire home to initiate sex with the boy - but claimed she assumed he was over 16.
Teacher Kandice Barber, 35, was found guilty of assaulting teenage boys sexually. A teacher has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old child, with her husband shouting It's a joke, a court heard on Thursday as the verdict was read.
A Brooklyn special education teacher was arrested Friday morning, authorities said, after a school employee observed him kissing one of his students, a 13-year-old boy.
Mum threw a baby shower for her 12-year-old daughter with her 24-year-old 'boyfriend'. After throwing a baby shower for the pregnant girl and her "boyfriend," 24, a 12-year-mother old's has been charged with enabling child sex abuse.