How to know that Your Book is High Quality & Publishable
Are you ready to invest your time in writing a book? If the answer is yes, then you will want it to be a publishable book. Now, the question is – how do you make this happen?
You must do a few things to ensure the book is publishable.
Without further ado, let us jump into the list of essential tips that will ensure that your book is quality and publishable.
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Research Matters
You will want to start by doing your research and actively looking for whether there is a book out there like the one that you want to write. Ideally, the answer should be both – yes and no. The answer should be yes because you wouldn't want to invent a new genre.
Ideally, there should be some book out there that is similar to your book in nature. Suppose you are writing a memoir about growing up an orthodox Christian – there might be a memoir out there telling a similar story in some ways.
Simply put – you will want to choose a genre that already exists. This way, your book will fit into a category.
However, do you remember how we said that the answer should also be no? You will want to pitch your book and present it with a uniqueness rather than trying to sell it based on the fact that there is another book that someone else has already read.
Assess Publication
You will also want to assess whether books with a similar idea have been published in the last few years. The market fluctuates, and in publishing – for instance – there are specific years when certain memoirs are famous.
Then there are years when specific fiction and non-fiction genres are popular. For instance, if a book on your chosen niche was published more than two decades ago, then this isn't necessarily a good indication of the current market trend.
You will want to assess publications and try to find books that are similar to yours – preferably similar books that have come out in the last ten years. For instance, you might have chosen a romance trope that was popular in the 90s but won't be trending in the market right now, making it hard to find a publisher.
Even though – you might choose to self-publish a romance novel, your readers might still find it hard to find your novel relatable and to even feel an emotional connection with the characters.
You get the point – you might have an amazing book idea – but you will want to ensure that it syncs with the current market trends and that there is a marketplace for the type of genre that you are writing.
You will want to use your common sense and look around to see what people like and talk about in the world of books. You will want to assess all recent publications and get a better idea about the books people buy.
Put simply – assess what the culture is right now because the culture and interests of people keep changing, which is why you will want to be able to slide into that with your book pitch.
Assess Your Emotions
Now, let us talk about you – the potential writer of the book. Assess yourself to see how excited you feel about writing the book.
Remember – you have to write the book – unless – you are ready to hire a professional ghostwriter who will do the writing for you. The typical word count of a book draft is about 70 thousand words – the bare minimum.
Now if you think about it – 70 thousand words are loads of words. It will take a while to write your first book draft. With that said, you will have to be excited enough to get to the end of that book draft.
You might have a fantastic feeling about a book idea – but – if you aren't excited enough to be looking forward to working on it every day, then you will want to reconsider a better idea that will have you excited enough to work on it for extended hours every day.
You will want to let the book idea carry you all the way to seventy thousand words – the bare minimum of your first book draft. Now, if you look at the book from the reader's perspective – they will be able to tell whether you have been excited enough about the book or not.
The energy you bring to your writing is actually the most important thing because the energy will translate to your reader. So, if you aren't interested in what you are writing, you will have difficulties with your storytelling, and eventually, your readers won't pick up an interest in reading your book as well.
Only if you find yourself really invested in the book can you expect people to tell you they really enjoyed it. So, maybe, you could ask your ideal readers whether they would like to read about a certain subject – which is your book idea.
All you need to do is put together two sentences that will perfectly describe your book's crux. You might think of it as a little synopsis – something that you could have printed on the back of your book and then ask people whether the crux would sound attractive to them.
Now, suppose your target readers will get super excited about the idea and respond with excitement. In that case, you can see it as a great indicator that your idea is good and publishable and, perhaps, even become a bestseller.
Nonetheless, it all comes down to passion – passion can make your book truly unique and truly amazing. Your readers will be able to tell what they are reading is actually cared about by the writer as it will bleed through the pages.
The more you – as a writer – will care about the book – the more the people reading your book are going to care, which is exactly what every author's final goal is about.