Trump Turns on Fox News in Fury-Fueled Meltdown: Lashes Out at Network That Fueled His Rise, Desperate to Salvage Crumbling Legacy


Trump Turns on Fox News in Fury-Fueled Meltdown: Lashes Out at Network That Fueled His Rise, Desperate to Salvage Crumbling Legacy

In a blistering social media tirade, Donald Trump unleashed a venomous assault on Fox News, the very network that once amplified his divisive rhetoric. 

The former President, drowning in paranoia, branded the channel’s anchors as enemies, in a desperate ploy to shift focus from his own imploding reputation.

Trump’s fury first ignited against Fox News' Bret Baier, labeling him "soft" on the left, in a laughably hypocritical rant given Trump’s own history of coddling extremists and sowing division. But it didn’t stop there—Trump spiraled deeper into conspiracy, accusing Kamala Harris’ spokesperson, Ian Sams, of secretly controlling the network. Yes, Trump, the man who spent years basking in Fox’s adulation, now claims it’s in the pocket of his enemies.

He then launched a scorched-earth attack on Fox personalities Neil Cavuto, Eric Shawn, and Arthel Neville, all while desperately trying to deflect from his own complicity in the toxic media landscape he helped create. His unhinged rage even dragged in Democrats who dared to appear on the channel, as if their mere presence was an affront to his fragile ego.

This meltdown isn’t just a desperate attempt to shift blame; it’s a frantic effort to rewrite history. But the American public sees through the charade. Trump’s venomous attacks on Fox News—his once-favorite megaphone—only highlight the unraveling of a man who can’t escape his own self-destruction.