Karla homolka aka leanne bordelaise husband Thierry and children 2021
Who Is A Serial Killer's Husband?
Prior to returning to Canada, Leanne Bordelais lived in Costa Rica with her new husband Thierry Bordelais, her lawyer's brother, and their children.
Leanne, now 46, has lived in Chateauguay, a Montreal suburb, since 2005, when she was released from prison after serving 12 years.
You're probably wondering who Leanne Bordelais is at this point.
If you are a Canadian, you may recognize her as the stunning blonde serial killer Karla Homolka, the better half of the infamous "Ken and Barbie killers," and the teenage wife of SERIAL KILLER Paul Bernardo, who is notorious for the heinous rapes, torture, and murders she committed.

They became two of the most heinous serial killers in Canadian history, murdering at least three girls, one of whom was Karla's younger sister, Tammy, who was enticed to feed her psychopathic husbands' voracious appetite for young victims.
Bernardo is known to have killed 19 females between the ages of 14 and 22, but police suspect there may have been dozens more.
It all began in May 1987, with a series of vicious rapes in one of Toronto's more impoverished suburbs. Bernardo is well-known for his savagery. Prior to embarking on his murder spree with Homolka, he enjoyed "rough sex."
Bernardo is currently incarcerated on a life sentence. Bernardo, 52, has applied for a day parole hearing scheduled for this month, which, if granted, would result in his release on periodic community supervision.
Bernardo will be eligible to apply for full parole next year.
Homolka gave a radio interview to Radio Canada shortly after her release from prison.

Homolka blamed it on her youth and Bernardo's influence, claiming she "had done terrible things" but didn't want to be pursued by the media now that she was free. “At the time, I was seventeen years old. I lacked knowledge. I feared being abandoned. I was desperate for a relationship,” she stated.
“I lacked confidence. There are numerous aspects of myself that I was unaware of at the time but am now aware of.”
According to Cairnspost.com, her Montreal suburb's residents are determined to keep her memory alive by placing signs down the road from the comfortable home of "Leanne Bordelais." “Never forget the victims,” the signs read, listing the three young women who became the couple's prey.
Costa Rica, on the other hand, should not.